FISH Camp Information

Last name A-P 8:00am-11:00am/ Last name Q-Z (+ athletes working out and band) 12:00pm-3:00pm

8:00-8:45/12:00-12:45 Sign in intro

8:50-9:10/12:50-1:10   Session 1

9:15-9:35/1:15-1:35     Session 2

9:40-10:00/1:40-2:00   Session 3

10:05-10:25/2:05-2:25 Session 4

5pm Organizations/Clubs begin set up for parent night

5:30pm-6:00pm Organizations/Clubs Showcase

6:00pm-7:00pm Parent Night


The four sessions for FISH Camp will be held round robin style.  They are academic expectations, social expectations, tour, and a game.

The Parent Night will be structured as follows:

6:00pm Admin Intro

6:10pm Counselors

6:20pm Fine Arts

6:30pm CTE

6:40pm Athletics

6:50pm Advanced Academics