Parent FAQs » Cafeteria FAQs

Cafeteria FAQs

Cafeteria Information

How does my child pay for school meals?
  • Go to and register for an account.  Activate your account and add students.You will need your student's name and school ID number.  Provide your credit or debit card information.
  • Prepay on student account in the cafeteria.
What are the meal prices?
  • Breakfast - $1.40
  • Lunch - $2.55
Can my student charge meals?
  • 1 day of meals may be charged at the high school level (District Policy)
  • An alternative meal will be offered to any student who has charged beyond the maximum allowed.
Are free or reduced meal applications available?
  • Online applications are available on the district website.
  • Applications are available at the cafeteria or THS front office.
Do I need to complete an application for each student?
  • No, only one application per household is necessary (please include all students on application).
If my child was on the free and reduced program last school year will they need to complete another application this year?
  • Yes, the student will be allowed to eat on last year's eligibility for the 30 school days or until a new application is processed.
  • If the new application is not completed within the first 30 days of school, the student will no longer be eligible for free and reduced priced meals.