Wildcat Workforce Students Build Professional Furniture in Inaugural iChallengeU Project

Temple High School Career & Technical Education (CTE) students are combining skills learned in the classroom with knowledge from the workforce to create products for a local manufacturing company.

These ‪Wildcat Workforce‬ construction and accounting students teamed up with CTE partner company Panel Specialists, Inc. (PSi) to design modular furniture for dorm rooms and residence halls.

In this inaugural iChallengeU project, PSi President Elliot Germany and his team worked with students both at PSi and Temple High School’s CTE Center beginning in April.

These students designed and constructed dorm room desks, along with providing a product-cost for the item.

This experience truly put the students into a real world situation, where the construction and accounting departments of a company must work closely to ensure a product will meet the needs of the consumer while remaining profitable for the company.

The teams of students presented their completed iChallengeU projects to the CTE Business Advisory Council on Thursday at Temple High School, with much praise from their PSi partners, along with other local business leaders in attendance.

This video from our THS Wildcat Films students does a great job summarizing this innovative approach to education.

Read the article in the Temple Daily Telegram.

See the Photo Gallery of iChallengeU from start to finish.

For more information on business opportunities in Temple, visit Choose Temple.