Welcome to THS Library

We are delighted to assist students and teachers in gathering information from both online and print based sources.  Classes visit regularly to work on research assignments, and students utilize the library's resources to complete homework, read for enjoyment, and to collaborate on projects. 
Reading for pleasure is certainly one of life's great joys, and we are excited to discuss and share new books with library friends.  With a collection of over 20,000 print books, 10,000 digital and audio titles, and several databases, the THS Library has something for everyone!
Do you need a Student ID?  Click here for the Request form.

Quick links to our Databases and Passwords (must be logged into gCloud).
Destiny Discover ( catalog ) - the online Catalog for Temple ISD Libraries
Feel free to search for books, audiobooks, eBooks, and online resources from school and home.  24/7, your library is always available for your use.  Browse the categories and genres, view book covers, and link to title details in order to learn about available books in all formats.  

Accessing eBooks and Audiobooks

While in Destiny Discover, locate the audiobook or eBook shelf and locate see all on the right.  This allows the viewer to see all of the eBooks available for check out. If you are looking for a specific title, use the search bar at the top to find out if the book is available in a digital format. Click on the title of the book and on the green open link. If you are not already logged into Destiny, you will need to enter your Student ID for the username and your computer password. The same method can be used for accessing audiobooks.

Be sure to install the Destiny Discover app that is available for Chromebooks, Apple and Android devices. 

-Install the app
-Select Texas in the location bar
-Select Temple High School, Temple TX
-Log in with your Student ID and password.