IB Diploma Programme
Temple IB Diploma Programme
Temple High School became an IB authorized school in 1992 and is currently one of 48 IB authorized high schools in Texas. Created in 1968, the International Baccalaureate Organization's Diploma Program is a demanding pre-university course of study that leads to examinations and is recognized by elite universities around the world. The IB Diploma Program is designed for highly motivated secondary school students and is currently found in over 1788 schools in more than 131 nations worldwide. The program is based on the pattern of no single country, but incorporates the best of several. Over the last several years, the IB Diploma Program has become the program of choice for high schools in the United States seeking to offer a world class college preparatory curriculum.
What is the difference between AP and IB?
The distinguishing factor is that both “Internal Assessments” and “External Assessments” determine the student’s final grade/college credit in a course. AP grades are determined by one exam. For example, students take IB exams in May of their junior and/or senior year. This is External Assessment, which comprises approximately 70% of the student’s IB grade. The other 30% (may be more or less) is determined by Internal Assessment (teacher evaluation, moderated by IB) that the student completes before the exam may be taken. Some examples include:
Language A: English—essays and an oral commentary
- Language B: Language Acquisition—one oral commentary
- Individuals & Society: History of the Americas—investigative research paper
- Experimental Sciences: Chem, Bio, Physics. - labs, research investigations, Group 4 Project
- Mathematics: Studies or Standards—portfolios or project
- The Arts:
Visual Art & Design—studio work and investigative notebook
Music--Creating, performing, group/solo work and musical investigation
IB is a program of study, not a single (or several “singles”) course/class, as is AP.